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List of services

Nail trim and file

Once your pet's nails have been trimmed, we will carefully file the nails using a hand held dremel tool. This technique makes the nails exceptionally short and smooth, and prevents your pet from scratching you or your hardwood floors!

See "packages" page or pricing.

Pet cologne treatment

Our natural pet cologne will leave your furry friend smelling fresh and clean for days! Free with any other service!

Paw pad fur trim

The fur underneath your pet's foot, around the pads, is gently trimmed to keep their paws clean, healthy, and looking dazzling!

$29 or $10 when added to other services

Nail painting

Yes, you read that right. We do pet nail painting! There's no easier way to set your pup apart from the crowd. Just choose your color!

$29 or $19 when added to other services

Teeth brushing

Yes, puppy kisses are just about the sweetest thing ever, but we've all been sent reeling from foul dog-breath a time or two. To avoid this, we give your pet's teeth a good brushing, and apply a natural fresh breath spray. $29 or $10 when added to another service

Ear cleaning

To keep your pet's ears lovely and to avoid infection, we remove excess hair when needed and gently apply a natural ear cleaning solution. (My dog, Legend, looooves this)

$29 or $10 when added to another service


Sanitary trim

Neatly trimming the excess hair around your pets backside will help  keep everything nice and clean over time! As we've all seen, things can get a little out-of-hand back there after a while..

$29 or $10 when added to another service

Anal gland expression

Well, there's something I never pictured putting in my job description!

But seriously, we love our pets, and it's important that this is done. If the anal glands are not expressed they can become impacted, and this can lead to infection within the glands. And we're not going to talk about what happens then...

$29 or $10 when added to another service

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